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ARIADNA SA Fabryka Nici

[Poland]Decorative threads for needlework

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Decorative threads for needlework

Stranded cotton is available in 8-metre strips. At present, the range of colours consists of 210 colours, as shown in the stranded cotton colours catalogue.

Shops and wholesale outlets are offered the best form of display - a special hanger measuring: 58 x 30 x 117.5 cm, which consists of 210 colours, 8 or 12 strips of each colour. Stranded cotton is used for various types of embroidery and needlework.
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Additional information:

Place of origin:Poland
Price:Ask for price


Related products: Apparel & Fashion ->Yearn products


ARIADNA SA Fabryka Nici

Street:Niciarniana 2/6
Postal code:92-208
Phone: +48 42 2535810
Fax: +48 42 2535808

Contact person

Name and Surname: Marek Gajdamowicz
Phone: +48 42 2535857
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